Tic Tac Toe for BlackBerry Playbook

So I just got word from RIM that they’ve let my Tic Tac Toe app in App World. Sure, it’s pretty much just a port of my Holo Tic Tac Toe for Android, but multi-platform is awesome.

Unfortunately, because RIM’s Android Runtime Environment doesn’t currently support Bluetooth, this version doesn’t have Bluetooth Play mode. Pass and Play is still available, so you can still play with your friends!

Check it out now, if you have a Playbook that is.

[App World link]

Holo Tic Tac Toe for Android

Check out my latest app, Holo Tic Tac Toe. Yes, it’s another Tic Tac Toe game, but no, it’s not just another Tic Tac Toe game.

With the arrival of a brand new version of Android comes apps that take advantage. This app sports Android’s new look, Holo, in versions +3.x (though it does support +2.1).

You can play against the CPU player, in Easy, Medium, and Hard modes. And once you’ve mastered that, play against a friend. Two player modes include Pass and Play, play on a single phone or tablet, or Bluetooth Play, kinda self-explanatory.

Try it out now on the Google Play Store.

Free! okay it’s ad-supported.

Ad-free. [$0.99]. Like free, but not quite free. I am a student after all.

Google TV. Yup, that’s right, Google TV. It needs more apps anyway.


Note: The Google TV version doesn’t support Bluetooth Play because Google TV doesn’t support Bluetooth. If you’re using a phone or tablet, make sure you download one of the other two to get Bluetooth Play. Preferably the non-free one.