Cloud Messenger lets you send notification messages to your phone from anywhere.
With Cloud Messenger, you can notify yourself when automated tasks occur or finish. You could, for example, have Cloud Messenger send you a notification when:
- your favorite torrent client has finished downloading something
- when a batch script finishes
Downloads and Tools
Android Beta: The latest beta release can be found here.
URL Generator: Send test messages and generate URLs for Cloud Messages here.
Firstly, you must launch the app at least once in order for it to register with the servers. After that you are free to use the service. You can change your settings at any time and it will take effect immediately.
Currently, only one device is supported per account. You can only use another device if the primary Google Account is different between devices.
URL Format
Base URL: `[parameters]`
`email` | Required. This is your registered email address. You can confirm this in the settings under General > Registered Account. |
`title` | Optional. This is for the title of your notification. If this is not set, it will default to the app name. |
`message` | Required. This is the body of your message. If you are using anything earlier than Android 4.1, remember that this will be limited to one line. If you are using Android 4.1+ then the notification will expand to the size of your message. |
`action1` | Optional. Sets an action to the expanded notification. Note: requires Android 4.1+. |
`action2` | Optional. Adds another action to the expanded notification. Note: requires Android 4.1+. |
`action3` | Optional. Adds another action to the expanded notification. Note: requires Android 4.1+. |
`app:[app package]` | Launches another app, by package name only, e.g. `app:com.faizvisram.cloudmessenger`. If the package cannot be found, the action won’t show on the expanded notification. Note: the package name is case-sensitive. |
`app:[app package]; [activity]` | Launches another app’s activity, by package name AND activity name, e.g. `app:com.faizvisram.cloudmessenger; com.faizvisram.cloudmessenger.SettingsActivity`. If the activity cannot be found, the action won’t show on the expanded notification. Note: the package name and activity name are case-sensitive. |
`clipboard` | Copies the text to the system clipboard. |
`share` | Allows you to share the text to other apps, e.g. Email, Messaging, Twitter. |
`url:[URL]` | Launches the specified URL in the default browser. |
For example:
` Title&msg=My message body.&action1=app:com.faizvisram.cloudmessenger&action2=clipboard&action3=share`.